Our graduates are highly skilled, motivated, and prepared for impactful careers in tech.

Sebastian Graz’s design portfolio

  1. By pressing keys, users can move around—and even knock elements over.
  2. It’s a semi-single-layout website with external links to social media and resume.
  3. There’s no need to go overboard, but this is where you can show your personality.
  4. This is a beautiful portfolio, with careful attention paid to its palette.

He places examples of his work in the front and center of his design, so there’s no need to dig around for examples. In Dina’s front end developer portfolio website, we can see a good example of how to put your personality and individual style through your website. The design itself is minimalistic, but her play with the color palette makes it interesting and striking. A front end developer website portfolio should be easy on the eyes. Planning how your content is viewed is extremely crucial as it will either attract or repulse people to look at your portfolio.

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Hiring managers have very little time on their hands, so stick to a creative (but snappy) bio that tells a short story about your background. Beyond Measure is the portfolio of an 18-year-old Webflow Developer & UX/UI Designer, with a focus on strategy. Olaf, a solo studio owner, leverages Webflow as a powerful no-code platform to craft websites with clean code and excellent customizability. Jonathan was a member of the Marine Corps before he became a web developer. He studied at Yale University and offers simplicity in his ideas and designs. Daniel Teeny is a designer with a reputation for excellence located in California.

music websites designed with Webflow

Alex Tampier’s portfolio site is another great example of a well done layout. Instead of having multiple pages, Alex keeps it to a single scrollable page. On their page, Alex highlights their skills, goals, skillset, and projects in a clean and concise way.

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And if you’re just starting out as a freelancer, a portfolio can be a great way to get your foot in the door. A simple resume doesn’t really cut it because a resume is only a compilation of your previous work experience, educational background and other activities. Your resume can tell employers about your professional and educational background but it does not really show them what you are capable of. Your work samples are evidence of your skill level and the quality of your work. Your client testimonials are evidence of that as well as of your service.

However, the main attraction lies in Zach’s portfolio, which takes center stage on the homepage. Cătălin Onuțu’s portfolio showcases his expertise as a software developer, particularly in JavaScript and React. The website features a sleek and minimalist design, characterized by a subdued grey color scheme with blue accents for the call-to-action buttons. On the homepage, visitors are greeted with a concise overview of Cătălin’s experience, followed by a list of projects. A strong web developer portfolio is essential when you’re applying for jobs or projects in any web development company. In addition to showcasing your programming skills, it also provides a chance to display your creativity.

Curate your selection to showcase your range and ability, as well as highlight any specialization you may have. Build and visually design a full portfolio website in just 21 days — with our free online course. He’s created a cast of whimsical characters for a variety of projects. To be successful as this type of animator, you need to have an eye for details and Eder leaves no pixel unturned.

You can share a link on your LinkedIn and social profiles like Twitter to let your contacts see what you can do. Through your portfolio, contacts can learn more about you, see your work — and it makes networking and introductions easy. Maybe the best job will come when you aren’t even looking for it.

He highlights his education and freelance projects with a neat and solid backstory. This portfolio can be an excellent reference for junior developers who are just starting their careers. If you’re a web developer with lots of projects to showcase, Eric’s personal portfolio can be a good source of inspiration.

Michael Lackey is an engineer and full stack web developer— working in HTML, CSS and Javascript frameworks like Node. Michael includes links to social media and Github on his portfoli. Currently working out of Los Angeles, web developer portfolio examples this software engineer and web developer works with iOs and Mac. His love of science led him to discover a passion in program development. Alan Sherman is the designer and marketer behind Sherman Website Design.

The portfolio also allows visitors to switch between light and dark themes. Recommended for web developers who have lots of text to include in their website. Ideal for web developers who fancy 3D animation and want to amuse their visitors. Then, as you progress and build bigger, more demanding projects, you can take down some of the smaller ones if you feel like they’re not relevant anymore. Crafting a professional-looking portfolio website isn’t as difficult as you may think.

That’s what CareerFoundry Full-Stack Development Program graduate Madison has done with her portfolio project. But it’s the perfect reminder that you don’t need fancy interactive elements or sleek design to showcase your skills. Armaiz’s software engineer portfolio is a great example of a relatively new coder presenting who he is, where he’s at, and what he’s done so far. The projects you showcase, and how you showcase them, will directly affect how hiring managers will assess you as a candidate—so it’s important to get it right. Having a stand-out software engineer portfolio is crucial for differentiating yourself from the competition, especially for career-changers.

Although old-fashionably designed, with a 1980s theme, Yul Moreau’s web developer portfolio example is perfect for driving user engagement, thanks to the creative use of visuals. The one-page website features seamlessly embedded images, videos, and scroll effects, contributing to the unique atmosphere it offers users. Ideal for developers who have more texts than media to include in their web developer portfolio. Lokkee is a passionate programming freelancer with top-notch experience in the web app and desktop application development. This includes full front-end design, brand identity, graphics, illustrations, etc.

Building a software developer portfolio can be hard when you’re new to software development, but as you create projects you can build your portfolio as you go. Crafting a professional web developer portfolio is vital for freelancers, studios, and agencies. It serves to show off the developer’s skills & problem-solving approaches to potential clients and employers. A well-crafted portfolio not only highlights past projects but also reflects https://www.trading-market.org/ unique style, creativity, and expertise, setting developers apart in a competitive market. Rey goes a step further by being personal yet professional in drawing potential clients and employers into his communication approach with “Promises”, “Ways You’ll Benefit”, and “FAQs”. After we’ve gone over the basics, we’re going to delve into some inspirational, beautiful, and a few simply amazing portfolios of freelancers out there.

Adopt a professional and coherent design that seamlessly aligns with your brand, encapsulating your unique style and personality. Once you’ve identified their needs, take a look at your skills and experiences. Determine which of your strengths align with your target audience’s requirements and highlight those in your portfolio. Make sure to include projects that utilize technologies that you’d like to work on again. Also include any relevant details about the project, like screenshots, who the project was for, and when you completed it. The obvious links to have here include your Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab, and LinkedIn profiles.

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